Bound by Duty
Stormy Smith
(Bound #1)
Publication date: July 24th 2014
Genres: Fantasy, New Adult

Amelia grew up in a world of half-truths. She knows she’s an Elder but has no idea what that means. Her father reminds her daily that she must maintain control but he refuses to explain why. Even worse, she’s betrothed to the prince of the Immortals and she doesn’t even know his name.

Finally breaking free to live a few normal years at a community college, the last thing Amelia expects is to find her best friend in a cheeky Southern girl and to fall for a self-assured human who sees her for who she is and not what she’ll be.

As she learns more about herself, Amelia realizes the line between love and duty is a thin one. As her power continues to increase exponentially and her questions are slowly answered, Amelia must make the ultimate choice. The question is, will her head or her heart win the battle?

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To set the stage, this scene features Amelia and Aidan. They are just getting to know each other and both have pasts that have irrevocably changed the people they have become. There are secrets and fears that have been buried their whole lives. The question is if they can trust each other?

Without looking back at me, he squeezed my hand tightly. His fingers pressing hard into the divots between the bones in my hand. He clutched at my hand as if I could keep him here, pull him away from the memories that overwhelmed him, that threatened to pull him down into a place I could feel he didn’t want to go.

“You can tell me, but only if you want to.” I put the words between us and let the silence follow. Turning back to stare at the sky, I gave him time to decide. I had no idea what he had been through, what he would say, but I understood what the darkness of truth could do to you if you let it.

“I don’t know why, but I want to tell you, Amelia. It’s insane because I never tell anyone this stuff. But, I want to tell you. Before this goes any further, I want you to know who I am.” He still wasn’t looking at me so while I saw him in my peripheral, I kept my gaze on the clouds. “Then, tell me,” I said. Taking a deep breath, I finished with a surprising, “Tell me and I’ll tell you.”

The longer Aidan held my hand, the more I got used to the feel of my nerves being raw and the increased sensations that vibrated from our point of contact throughout the rest of my body. As I lay there, waiting for him to speak, he kept our hands locked, sliding his middle finger up and down in a slow rhythm over the back of my hand. I could feel callouses on his palm and the heat he radiated. It was soothing and, for once, I was truly in control, at least as far as my power was concerned. My heartbeat, however, raced triple time as I had time to realize that I was laying on the forest floor holding hands with Aidan Montgomery, waiting for him to unlock doors I hadn’t known I wanted inside of. Someone I could give some of my truth to and who wanted to give me theirs in return.


Author Bio:

Stormy Smith calls Iowa’s capital home now, but was raised in a tiny town in the Southeast corner of the state. She grew to love books honestly, having a mom that read voraciously and instilled that same love in her. She knew quickly that stories of fantasy were her favorite, and even as an adult gravitates toward paranormal stories in any form.

Writing a book had never been an aspiration, but suddenly the story was there and couldn’t be stopped. When she isn’t working on, or thinking about, her books, Stormy’s favorite places include bar patios, live music shows, her yoga mat or anywhere she can relax with her husband or girlfriends.

If you want to stay tuned in to all of the new release news, sign up for Stormy’s spam-free newsletter. It only comes out when something exciting is happening…promise!

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Hi, everyone.

Piece by Piece, Steel’s Rescue made a big splash in the book world. This is the third book in the Broken Pieces Series, but don’t worry if you haven’t read the first two books, this one can be read as a standalone, but I promise you will fall in love with the series and will want to read them all.
Check out my website to stay updated on new releases, teasers, and giveaways.
There will be two more books in this series for other characters in the books. I have a new book not in the series coming out soon called Next August. I just had to write this story. It was dying to come out and I can’t wait to share it with all of you.
I will be releasing teasers for you soon.

Here is a teaser from Piece by Piece that has not been released.
She tilts her head at me and she is biting her adorable lip.
“You know, I see you.” She says.
I’m almost afraid to ask. “What do you see?”
“You are shades of blue to me.” Her hand finds my cock. I throw my head back in pure pleasure.
“You were midnight blue when you left me years ago. You left pure sadness in your wake like a downpour.” My head pops back up to look at her. She has a tiny scowl on her brow.
“When you came charging back into my life, the air you expelled was baby blue. It was comforting. It made me feel like I was finally home.” She continues stroking me, but the scowl is gone and replaced with a light in her eyes.
“When you fucked me for the first time you were steel blue, kind of cold and rugged.” The scowl has returned. I want to say something, but nothing comes out. I’m hypnotized by her words and by the movement of her hands.

“When you were teaching me to defend myself cobalt blue was your color. Steadfast and intuitive.” She bites her lip again and her hand has a firmer grip. I grit my teeth to keep my composure.
“When you saw me weak and close to death indigo was the color you emitted. Devotion and love poured out of you.” Her shy smile has returned and her grip has lightened but is moving faster. My breathing is heavier and I’m having a hard time maintaining my control.
“And as you are lying here beneath me now you’re a sapphire.” She leans in and kisses my lips lightly. “A sapphire is made up of all the colors of blue. It is passionate and expresses love and longing.” She raises back up. She releases her grip and directs me inside her depths of warmth. She slowly starts to ride me.
“You can deny your colors, but I see them, I see you.” I feel her start to squeeze around me and a soft moan with my name in it leaves her body.

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I am looking for a review team and a street team to help me promote my books. If you are interested in participating email me at [email protected].
You will get free books, swag, early release information and lifelong friendships.

Descent (The Immortal Chronicles, #1)

By Sloane Murphy

Release Date: August 9th


Six hundred years after The Outbreak, the human population stand side by side with the Fae & the Vampyrs to stop the Demon King from starting a second Dark War.
Seventeen year old Adelaide Tate is in her last year of the Academy, with her eyes set on becoming part of the Red Guard.
Who cares that no female has ever joined?
When a dark force develops an unhealthy liking for her, Adelaide needs to fight for her life and figure out what makes her so different from the others.
Betrayal. Fear. Anger.
She must overcome it all in order to turn her world the right way around again.
Adelaide has one choice. Accept the help offered to her by Xander Bane, or face the Demon Hoard alone.
One thing is for sure. The descent will be bloody.

Available for Pre-Order!

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Author Bio:

By day, Sloane Murphy works full time as an account manager and by night writes escapism in the form of Paranormal Romance, all while looking after her fur baby & Mr M. She was born and raised in England along with 2 sisters, 2 brothers and a plethora of cousins, and comes from a REALLY big family!

Sloane is currently working on the Immortal Chronicle series, alongside some other Top Secret projects too. She likes to be busy - unless busy involves doing the dishes, but that seems to be when all the ideas come to life.





Excerpt 1:

I sit beside her and wrap her in my arms. She fits so perfectly against me, and I feel it. That same jolt that I felt the first time I held her, but she is forbidden, and nothing will make me break my vow.

“You’ll be ok Addie, let it out. I know it hurts now, but she’ll always be here with you,” I whisper into her hair. “I’ve got you.” If only she knew.

She sobs into my arms and I can feel the pain radiating from her. I do the only thing I can think of. I weave my mind to her, and I can feel her; her pain, her breath-taking guilt. The burden she carries for her lost friend. Her grief is crippling. It clouds her light. I can see the small beams of her light fighting the shadows surrounding her soul, threatening to extinguish the good inside her.


Excerpt 2:

My eyes flutter open. It’s so bright, that I have to squint while my eyes adjust. I can feel how much my entire body hurts. I try to sit up, but pain rips through my chest and I let out a small cry, as I close my eyes and lay back. I look around the med ward, now that my eyes have adjusted to the light. It’s so clinical in here; so white. I take appraisal of my injuries. I think my wrist is broken, at least the cast on it makes me assume so. I can feel the wrap around my chest now too, either broken or fractured ribs. Other than that, I think it’s just cuts and bruises. That’s when it hits me.

She’s gone.

She’s gone and I didn’t stop it.


Excerpt 3:


That’s when I first felt it. That’s when she stole a part of me. I’ve tried to distance myself as much as I can from her, her entire life. More for her, so that she can experience the life she deserves, before her other life is thrust upon her. But to allow her in the guard, would be putting her in the very danger I vowed to keep her from. She needs to learn the truth about herself, the truth about our world rather than the ‘truth’ she has been taught. The need to do what is best for her, battles against the vow I made inside me. She has already been exposed

Pieced Together the second book in the Broken Pieces Series has been nominated for the Summer Indie Book Awards. I can’t tell you how excited I am to have even a single nomination. There are so many great authors on this list. Voting doesn’t start until September 1st.

I’m such a dog lover and how could I resist picking him for my hero?

A military dog who lost a leg when sniffing out a roadside bomb has been awarded the animal equivalent of the Victoria Cross after serving in more than 400 missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Lucca, a 12-year-old German shepherd, served in the US Marine Corps for six years, protecting the lives of troops by sniffing out munitions.

In The Blink of an Eye’s blurb and my links.

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GoodReads link:…/show/29917959-in-the-blink-of-a…

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They say life changes people.

The choice to move across the globe shifts Lily’s life into the fast lane, in a direction she never dreamt of with new experiences. Unlocking desires she never knew she had.

A chance meeting. A friendship, a loss, a love, secrets, lies…. and desire.

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There are all kinds of heroes in this world that go unrecognized and deserve so much more support than what is given to them. I love to hear stories of their lives and the sacrifices they have made. Feel free to share or let me know about a hero to you and I will share it on my website.

For those of you that know me personally, know that I am a nurse and for those of you that have read my books, they all have nurses in them as main characters. Most of my books also have a military character in them as well. So to honor nurses and our military, I want to take the time each week and find our heroes from the past. This week I would like you to meet Helen Fairchild

Helen Fairchild nursed thousands of wounded soldiers during her very brief career. She was born in Pennsylvania and graduated as a nurse from Pennsylvania Hospital in 1913. A few years later in 1917, WWI began and Fairchild joined the American Expeditionary Force. She was sent to a location in Passchendaele, France along with 63 other nurses, where she cared for 2,000 wounded soldiers while under fire.

Finally! Piece by Piece is live today. The third book in the Broken Pieces Series. This one can be read as a standalone, but will entice you to read the entire series. Piece by Piece has it all from romance, angst, suspense, adventure, humor, and a strong leading lady that will win your heart as much as Steel’s. The first chapter is available on my facebook page Feel free to follow me while you are there reading it.

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Don’t forget to leave a review. You don’t have to say much, but make sure it is an honest review.

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Five Star Review:

What I loved about “Piece by Piece” is that it doesn’t fit into a specific genre. This novel encompasses romance, family, military fiction, crime, and suspense, creating a page-turner that you won’t be able to put down. I fell in love with the characters in the first two books in the series, and also fell in love with Steel, Syn, and Gray now that they are adults. Despite Steel’s distance since his accident, you could immediately feel the bond and spark between the three of them as soon as they are reunited. If you haven’t read the first two novels, Moore provides plenty of flashbacks to give you an idea of their wonderful upbringing in Maine with their parents and reminds the reader of the incredible love between Kyren and Brogan, as well as, between Zack and Cady. Once Steel and Ady are reunited, there is a constant back and forth of anger and resistance, mixed with passion and lingering feelings for their first love. Although Steel tries to fight his feelings, you find yourself cheering for this couple to have their happily ever after. Moore’s writing is once again so realistic and descriptive that you feel as if you are a part of this story and hate to see it come to an end. I continue to gain respect and admiration for Kelly Moore and her style of fiction. I anxiously await the next installment in the Broken Pieces Series and look forward to much more from this fantastic author.