Blackbird Summer by Em Shotwell

I have a brand new website and I am joining in on the blogging world. So, I thought I would start with something simple like promoting a fellow author. I met Em Shotwell on twitter and she has graciously put up with all my questions and recommend an editor, who I love, and a book cover designer who is amazing.

Em never asked me to read her book and paranormal romances are usually not my type of read, but I bought it, hopped in a hammock and started reading Blackbird Summer. I was only a few pages in before I realized that Em is an extraordinary author. I found her writing to be close to musical. Her words honestly took on their own rhythm.

Her characters are very vivid and with each turn of the page they became even more real to me. There were several plot twists that kept me guessing. It was an emotional ride. Some parts made me laugh and then I would turn the page and I would be crying my eyes out. (I am not a crier, by the way).

Very engaging and highly recommended. I am looking forward to her next book.


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